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Baby it's Cold Outside

Writer's picture: ssewanssewan

Brrr, it's finally starting to cool down here in New Jersey! Yayyy~ It has been ridiculously warm for Autumn here in the East Coast, so I'm glad that the weather is finally looking much closer to what it's supposed to be <3 It's also lucky that I have finally moved into my new place! I did majority of the moving on the scorching hot days, but I'm glad I moved in before the rain :) It's the little things that can be the biggest blessings <3

And as you probably can tell, I've been a little busy moving in, which is why I haven't posted in a few days. I missed Wednesday in the Word again :( I sad. I didn't even realize yesterday was Wednesday. #flightattendantproblems haha. We really don't know what day of the week it is, most of the time.

Another drawback is that I don't have WiFi here in my new place, but hopefully that will change soon! This new place is incredible! I will be posting a picture or two up of my side of the bedroom once I have everything set up! I am so excited to finally have a space of my own :) Plus, I have space to stretch and exercise and dance around! Granted, it's not a lot of space, but I'm so thankful to not have to share even less space with about four times the people. Lord, You are too good to me.

One of the verses that has really been coming up is "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7. There is so much in just this one little verse: prayer, faith, grace, mercy, opportunity, and choice. I could probably type an entire essay on the different things that this one verse can make me feel... but that's honestly the point: we read a living Bible, written by a loving God. The Word is alive in us, our lives, and we are living through it. History repeats itself, and we would be foolish to not recognize the Bible tells us things that we are going through, and teaches us how to live this very moment. We need to stop forgetting that the Bible isn't just a book we crack open for church, but it's a guide that we should read on a daily basis.

Store update! Some of you may have noticed that I have put in two things in my Etsy shop: two of my previously pulished novels. I had taken Searching for Joy off the market, because it was used to fundraise for my missions trip to Japan a few years ago. I have decided to start selling again, because I am using it to fund for this site, which is also my ministry. I am working on a couple more projects to launch my soft-opening, and the grand opening is just around the corner! I am so excited to share with you all some of the things that I have been brainstorming about and working on <3

I know I haven't published in a while, and I just want you to know that I am still working on a project from before Fingertips. It is just something that's very different, close to the heart, and kind of hard to do. It's not as personal as Searching for Joy, or at least less explicitly so, but it is something that hits quite close to home. So please be on the lookout for it! I am hoping to have it out by the end of the year, or beginning of the next!

I hope you're all having a fantabulous time! I am headed out on a trip tomorrow, so I may not be able to post for a couple of days.... But I will talk to you all soon! Hopefully with lots of beautiful pictures from my layover <3

Until next time!

Sharon <3


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