Day 22
Sighpie, obviously this is being uploaded an entire day late. I was actually commuting back to NJ from California, and everything got messed up, and I was still feeling blegh, and just ended up not posting :( I'm sorry.
But without further ado, here is day 22!

Lalala, if you have no idea what this blogiday series is about, then click HERE and check out what YOU can win in this giveaway worth over $300! To enter is simple: just subscribe! Go to my Home page and enter your e-mail! I do not send spam, I only let you know if there is something exciting going on (like this giveaway)!

I've put up quite a few Christmas light photos by now, but this one is kind of special to me. This location was one of the last photos that I got to send to B, and I never really thought that I would associate it with anything other than that. While this photo is still rather bittersweet, I can't help but be drawn to the Christmas trees that have been placed in clusters throughout this forest of lighted tree branches. This photo really doesn't do it justice, but I hope that this decor can brighten up your day ;)

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