Out &About

So for my birthday, I decided to treat myself to a trip to Boston and meet up with a friend from Riverside :) It was just a nice day to spend on my own to explore and reflect. It was raining for most of the day, but it was just nice to be able to just be on my own. As a major introvert, I really just need time on my own, especially since I am living with so many people now. It actually feels really lonely being among such a big group of people, because I end up feeling claustrophobic and tired all the time. When I am actually alone though, it feels refreshing, and not lonely at all. #Introvertproblems, hahaha.
Boston is such a beautiful place to explore. Despite being a bit rainy yesterday, the greenery was refreshing as ever to see, and practically every store front has floral decorations. It's very happy to see :) It was simply a good day to reflect on all that God has created, and what a generous Lord we have. He has given us the world to be ours: the land, the animals, and each other. We definitely don't appreciate nearly enough of what we are given.
Mini store update: I am looking into getting supplies to get started on creating the store. Once I move into my new place, I will have the space to create products, and I already have a lot of things in mind. I will start off slowly with a soft-opening before things settle in a bit, and I can have a grand opening. I do have my domain, but I will not be using it until after the grand opening* I will be updating you on InstaGram as well as here, so make sure you're following me on IG: @ssewan.blog!
It is getting late here, and I have work tomorrow morning. I will talk to you all later <3 but meanwhile, let me know what exciting things have been happening so far! :)
Yours truly,
P.S. You are dearly cared for and appreciated :)
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