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Wednesday in the Word

Writer's picture: ssewanssewan

This post is very late. I meant to write this a few days ago, but got back from a very long trip on Friday morning at around 2AM with a flu that I did not leave with, and there was just no way I could have done anything on Wednesday. If you've been following me even for a very short while, you know that the past month has been rather topsy curvy for me; I've just been very emotionally tired and worn, and spiritually drained. It's been hard to keep in mind that the harder it is the praise God, the harder we must pray; the easier it is to praise God, the easier we fall. I'm blessed in so many ways, yet my mind continues to wander and wonder about things beyond my control and maybe simply not meant for me: whether ever or just for now.

I have been rereading the Bible, and unpopular opinion: Genesis is one of my favourite books. The story that really stuck out to me this time around is Isaac and Abimelech (Genesis 26:6-35). So quick refresher: Isaac has set out and he went to Gerar with Rebekah, his beautiful wife. He was afraid that the men of Gerar would kill him to get his wife, so he calls her his sister. Once Abimelech, the ruler of Gerar finds out, he rebukes Isaac, saying that his men could have unknowingly tried to seduce Rebekah. Abimelech warns everyone to not touch Rebekah, or will be put to death. As Isaac stays in Gerar, it is obvious that God is with him, as he is blessed a ridiculous amount. Eventually Abimelech asks Isaac to leave, because keeping such a strong person within their walls is unsafe. Once Isaac leaves, he and his servants begin digging wells that Abraham, his father, once dug. Long story short, because he was still near Gerar, the people of Gerar would claim every well he dug that had water. Instead of fighting it out, Isaac stepped back and continued digging until it was undeniable that the well belonged to him. He praised God for providing and Abimelech went to Isaac for a peace offering, because he saw how blessed he was. This was literally a king bowing down to a rich guy that came out of nowhere, and saying "Look, God is almighty and with Him, you'll crush my kingdom. Please don't." And then there was peace.


But that's not the real focal point of this post, because trust me: that one can go into a completely new post if you'd like. If you've read my recent posts, then you'll know that other than my hand, I have been coping with some relationship issues, as well. I am very open about it and vulnerable because I am human, just like you. I want you guys to know that you're not alone. In the midst of grieving this relationship that never came to be, this story really gave me peace. Abimelech's rebuke of Isaac was a rebuke to me as well: I entered the relationship in fear and it caused me to be dishonest about how I felt; in my dishonesty, I have pushed him away and led him to believe my feelings otherwise. I won't say that we aren't both at fault, since both of us were guilty of the same sin: pride and a lack of faith. We couldn't bring ourselves to take that leap of faith and be honest with one another about our insecurities and feelings, and our pride further enforced our cowardice and reasons for lying. Unluckily we didn't

really solve anything before feelings were hurt, but that's that.

The second part of this that really struck me was the fact that Isaac lets Gerar take the wells that his father had actually begun to dig. Rightfully, shouldn't it be Isaac's? Yet he relents, and continues digging until there is a well that is undeniably his: he praises God for it and Abimelech (again) acknowledges God's sovereignty and greatness. Instead of pushing Isaac away this time, Abimelech comes to make peace with Isaac because he knows the Lord is with Isaac. Yeah, sure, it feels wretched to have something taken away, but it's not the end of the world. It really isn't. If Isaac can praise God as he gives up wells that are kind of rightfully his, then I need to take that lead as an example. I need to really just make peace with myself and the circumstance and go to him in peace -- what more can I do? This is applicable in so many different things... a job that you felt was created for you, a soul mate that wasn't really, a designer handbag that is way out of price range, and much more. This was a really uplifting and encouraging story, and it just goes to show how history repeats itself in different ways, shapes, and forms. Our Bible is truly a living testimony of His Will.

Lord, diminish my desires to fit Yours and let it grow with a passion for Your Way, Your Love, Your Will.


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