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Wednesday in the Word

Writer's picture: ssewanssewan

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Today is the birthday of one of my really dear friends, so if you can, give her a small shout out by checking out her website and sending her some love! She is super talented in what she does, and her motivations to do what she does is so beautiful. She started out with just using calligraphy as a part of her devotionals, and since then, it has branched out a lot! Her work and heart for God's people has blessed many (including me), so I want to give her a shout out here on my blog, especially on her birthday! And that leads me right into today's QT.

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." - 1 Peter 4:10-11

1 Peter 4 is talking about the end-times, and warns people against idolatry, idleness, and ill intent. In particular, versus 10-11 speak of different gifts and what God has given us each. I'll be the first to admit that I am a jealous person. I'm not jealous in the sense that I am sensitive to another woman speaking to "my man" or anything like that. Instead, I'm jealous of people who are able to draw better, write better, dance better, etc. etc. I have this overwhelming, idealistic view of myself that I should be able to reach being the best. I oftentimes berate myself for not being good enough, and this ultimately leads to low self-esteem and apathy towards trying Obviously, this is not how we are called to treat ourselves and one another.

Going back to my Wednesday in the Word from a few weeks ago, we are all handed different talents. God isn't looking at how much He put into our hands, but how we are willing to use it. We shouldn't be looking at how we as humans are doing, but allowing God to work through us. For me to be jealous of the talents others have is me stealing ownership of what God has lent me to use while I am here on this earth.

As much as I love to compare myself with others, it's a sin. That's not to say we shouldn't learn from each other and improve upon and perfect whatever it is that we do, but it shouldn't become an obsession to overcome someone else. That's not only counter productive and self-harming, but it diminishes God's role in your life. There is nothing we can do alone, and so we rely on God -- God gives us our gifts, our service, our speech, our words, and our strength. As HE becomes larger in our lives, we should learn to see that what we can or cannot do is so small compared to what He HAS done through us. Only when we admit that our talents and gifts are from Him can we say all glory to GOD, instead of taking credit for HIS work within us. Then, we will learn to not criticize ourselves, but to admire what God has given us.


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